As a business owner, there may be many questions such as integrating Apple Pay or setting up Android Pay? Well, a recent technology, Near-Field-Communication (NFC) is in use in mobile gadgets for a few years now. NFC, as a mechanism does not belong to any individual organization, but it is a shared platform used by several companies. Mobile operating systems like iOS, Android have NFC technology in-built. While Apple Pay is its respective type of NFC, Google has launched their payment platform called Google Wallet. However, in the background - both these organizations use the same NFC to transfer simple, small communications between a couple of devices. And because these transfer between a short distances, it is named “near-field.”

The NFC technology enables the information among 2 compatible machines; plus its the technology that facilities the data transfer. Although the above mentioned technology is part of many different gadgets, in the credit card transaction sector, it is utilized to safely move sensitive CC info in wireless format effortlessly. That is how NFC works.

So irrespective of what business you run, it is a necessity to have an NFC-enabled terminal, for you to be competent to get payments from apps like Google Wallets, Apple Pay, Smart Watches, etc. With the advent of these apps, many customers are gradually moving towards such devices, and hence it is obvious that they would want to use a technology like NFC for day-to-day transactions. All our devices - be it FD or PAX has in-built NFC functionality, and hence it is easy to leverage these to cater to consumers who use such a new payment method.